Friday, 23 November 2012

My Style: Finger coil - outs

Hi guys,

I know its been forever since I updated you on how my  hair is doing, or how I have been wearing it.

I have been super busy at the office that I basically don't have much time for my hair, so thank God its a TWA! not much to do with it anyway.

My hair is in its 3rd month now.

My regimen is really simple at the moment... very simple!

I spritz the hair twice a day, with water and seal with my oils (mix Shea, olive, coconut & castor)

I deep condition at least once a fortnight,

I co-wash/shampoo weekly, and do a pre-poo before.

As for the styling I have been doing what I call finger coil - outs.

Basically I part my hair in tiny sections and coil them using my finger.

Stay with the coils maybe two days, then i undo the coils and wear my hair out the rest of the week.

I do the coils every week because sometimes my cap comes of kati kati ya usingizi, thus the style can get messy if i wear for more than a week.

So that is what I have been doing thus far. How are you wearing your hair lately?
(click the images for a bigger view)

PS: Its been a month since a comb saw my hair, and its is very happy!!! Who knew......?

Live, Laugh, Love,
Its only Natural
Natural Toto

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