Friday 18 May 2012

Wedding Day Hair

So I attended a wedding this past Saturday, and I rocked a wash and go….

I think it came out OK. I liked it….
When I got out of the house, since I live in a town where "people know people" meant I got a lot of stares, one men actually tried to stop me on the way to tell me something about the hair but I didn’t stay around to listen…

So can’t say if it was good or bad.

So I will let you guys be the judge, How does my hair look to you?

Live, Love,Laugh,
Its only Natural
Natural Toto


  1. I think your hair looks great! Asante sana for encouraging our sisters to embrace and love the hair that God gave them. kzs

  2. love your blog...yaay another Natural haired Kenyan lady! I hate wash and go's my hair hates them. I stick to twist outs. yours turned out great.xx

  3. Thanks Mwai.... me and twists outs on the other hand is a battle. lol. You should be featured on this blog, i loved your twist out!
